The scalability and high performance are the key aspects for interactive applications. The traditional databases are not providing the necessary…
Based on intensive study of spiritual organisations engaged in social developments, the researcher has identified the processes and characteristics which…
Ailanthus excelsaRoxb is large tree belongs to familySimarubaceae. It is found in deciduous forest of Marathwada region.As this is very…
The purpose of the present study is to identify readiness of toor dall mill owners to undergo training or to…
The business ethics that we talk of in relation to companies contain the same issues as the ethics in the…
This paper examines the influence the role of brokers in the marketing of toordall mills.A total 60managers and owners ofdall…
Present research paper is an attempt as to study of the progress of Sugar Industry in India, understand its problems…
Databases play a very important role in application development and from decades we are using different database technologies to manage…
Software application development is a complex process that goes through various stages. Huge investments are being made in developing such…
Elderly women have many problems and economic problems are also playing significant role in their old age. As the women…